You Were Dying In My Arms
You were dying in my arms.
You pushed me out of the way to save my life.
We were fighting vehemently past about our relationship.
We had just broken up
After the words were said it almost as if some sadistic author had simply wrote:
The End
And eliminated us both right there.
He didn’t get us both.
You pushed me out of the way but the car cuffed you and you flew into my arms.
Your blood was all over me.
You looked up to me and just whispered.
I wished you would had whispered “I love you.”
You said to me:
“Peace be with you.”
I started to die even though he was the one who really was.
I cried my tears mingling with his blood.
We both knew he wouldn’t make it.
With blood all over me I was almost hysterical.
It wasn’t the blood that did it.
It was the fact that so much of you.
Your life force.
Was all over me and I couldn’t give it back to you.
You died in my arms that day.
I never was the same.