
Pinky Promise

Secrets-secrets are no fun,
Unless I am a part of one.

Welcome to the 3rd challenge of our class. In this challenge, as discussed in the comment trail on “Good Morning Class!”, we will be passing notes. Your character has a secret. And he/she is about to tell that secret to someone who doesn’t know by the classic note passing system. Your job is to write the note and indicate its recipient. More challenging: Each person should receive only one note. You have until Feb. 24th at midday NY time. Title it “From-to” (From Ingrid to Randy)

Secrets-secrets are no fun,
Unless you go tell everyone.

The winner will choose one note that was not originally sent to him/her and intercept it. All other notes will have reached their desks. The winning story is about the interception, and if they choose to share the information with the class, or not.

.1. .2. .3. .4.
.5. .6. .7. .8.
.9. .10. .11. .12.

.1. .2. .3. .4.
.5. .6. .7. .8.
.9. .10. .11. .12.

Challenge Entries