
Ficly Science Fair

Welcome to the Ficly Science Fair Follies (credit to Elshahawk)

Write a Science non-fiction story. Recall a moment when you bumped into it accidentally or as a hidden subject. Take two of the following stories for example:

Curious George (Mineralogy)

“Lime” (Mineralogy)

You can also write about false perceptions such as urban myths on how to pass breathalyser or drug testing.

One Rule: No “explanation” of the “rules of the science” should be mentioned for one reason; it would take a whole story. Leave the reader with a desire to research the science implied within your story. Most humans have the ability to learn from others experiences without an explanation of “why”, such as trying to put out a grease fire with water. Your friends results are your results too. Even though they are not Scientists or Experts.

Have fun!

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