You Can't Stand Under My Umbrella
“Hey, bunch up!” Rick Matthews said. He squeezed under McKenzie’s black and silver cobwebs umbrella and put his arm across her shoulder.
“Get lost Rick,” McKenzie said. She pushed him back into the pouring rain.
“Come on freak, let me in already!” Rick said. He tugged the edge of her umbrella over his head but this time kept his distance from her.
“Yeah, insult me. That’s the way to win me over. Jerk.”
“What is your problem?” Rick demanded.
“My problem? My problem is the time you put a spider up my skirt! And who can forget, the time you snuck into the girl’s changing room and took pictures of me!!” McKenzie was screaming in his face, the rain and umbrella forgotten about.
“That was… that was a long time ago McKenzie. And I…” He lent in suddenly and kissed her. But McKenzie elbowed him in the chest.
“Get away from me!” she yelled. McKenzie ran away through the rain, leaving her umbrella lying on the path beside Rick.