Starts with that foreboding use of weather, but quickly brushes it aside to turn into an interesting little piece about why kids should make the most of their time at school…
Before taking a U-turn back to that gloriously open-ended closing paragraph!
Good work here, a stellar first story with lots of possibility… The thing is it does work as a standalone story, so unless you’re personally planning on sequelling it I don’t think the title is particularly representative of what it’s about.
But still, the actual story was a real cracker – welcome to Ficly! MH :)
Thanks Lighty, the ‘back in’ was an artefact of an earlier structure for that sentence, I’ll change it now – always need someone with a fresh eye for proofreading. Also, thanks for your feedback Mostly – I’ll try and think of a better title :)
This is a fun read, and one I can relate to. I love looking out at the rain and it’s perfect weather for daydreaming, reading or writing…of course I must also have a cup of hot tea…preferably chai. :o) Wonderful descriptions. Well done!