
Two Nights After the First Day

Adam Padilla laughed at the vampires on his widescreen TV.
Glad you can laugh when you haven’t touched me in two weeks his wife, Kelsey thought as she glared at her husband sitting on the couch.
She leaned in close and gingerly ran her fingers down his collarbone, she had a thing for collarbones, and it always got him excited.

Caught off guard, his worrying mind searched for an excuse.
“I’m really tired, I just want to see the end of this movie and go to bed,” Adam said, his hands trembling, he hoped Kelsey wouldn’t notice that. She noticed and was sadly reminded of how his hands always would tremble after she would roll her tongue around a certain part of his body that she hadn’t seen in too long.

“It’s a good movie, Kelsey. The ending is awesome, there aren’t many happy endings anymore,” he continued.
Kelsey scoffed, “Tell me about it,” she said under her breath.

Just as she was about to go to bed alone, her cell phone started to sing her favorite song.

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