
A Clean Break

The tires squealed as he pulled away from the curb in front of the bank. The police were not far behind.
And yet, he wasn’t even sweating. Not a single drop. It seems the bloom was off the rose when it came to stealing money.
He had done it all and it just wasn’t exciting anymore. Not even when the police chased him. They were so incompetent that he always made a clean getaway.
Within minutes, he was approaching what he called his “exit” bridge. This was where he lost the law and lived to steal another day.
Just as he was entering the bridge, a different thought popped into his head for a change. What if this time they caught him? Just for something different?
He shook his head vehemently. That wouldn’t do. He had to make a clean break. Start over. And there was only one way to do that.
He stomped the accelerator to the floor.
In the middle of the bridge was an open spot. The state had been working on repairing it for months now.
He aimed the nose of his car for the middle of that vast expanse.

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