Laughing out loud. Fantastic light relief. Thank you.
Hilarious. Could so easily imagine this buttoned-down scientist composing the letter in proper, stoic fashion and then having this momentary lapse into the impassioned words in the middle there. Pure awesomeness.
This really made me smile! Mating habits of science nerds- I know them well.
This really made me smile!
Mating habits of science nerds- I know them well.
Beautiful. Love it.
Oh, replete with romance!!!
This is simply wonderful!!
Hahaha… wait, what?… hahaha They don’t teach subtlety in science, kids. No place for it. I wonder of this would actually work…
Hahaha… wait, what?… hahaha
They don’t teach subtlety in science, kids. No place for it. I wonder of this would actually work…
Brilliant! Hilariously open and to the point. True nerd speak.