

Darling, you’re beautiful.
You’re tall, and you’re skinny
Fun to be around,
An absolute pleasure.
You’re strong, and you’re strong.
Mentally, physically.
You’re real,
And I always catch you smiling.

We’ve never been the best of friends
But good ones, for sure
And when I find out
That the friends you are the closest to
Are taking away your strength,
You’re smile,
Do you blame me, that I’m upset?

You’re incredible, truly,
Without those terrible cigars.
And it’s my worst of worst fears
That you will become the spitting image
Of your best friend.

That’s what they say – that you are who you’re closest to.
But you were the individual
That if someone were to ask me, ever, “Who proves that statement wrong?”
I’d say, “You.”
You didn’t give in
To your friends disgusting, repulsive habits
You were strong,
Mentally, Physcially

How long before you are who she is?
With no self respect
Drug addicted
Of an adolescent.

Stay strong, darling.

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