
Searching for my Inner Lost Girl....

One would think that my life is filled with fantasy due to the fact that my daughter is a self-proclaimed “princess” and my husband duels with dragons in online games. But despite the fact that my home life drips with “fairytales” and “adventure”, somewhere along the line I became trapped within the realities of being.

When exactly did I exchange Charles de Lint for Suze Oman? Why exactly did I turn in my renaissance garb for a set of china I never use? How exactly did I lose myself in all of this? And where did I go?

One cannot say, “That’s just what happens when you get married and have a kid”. I know women who bring their families along to the ride as they continue to pursue the activities or hobbies they enjoy. Other women seem satisfied to grow into this new self, shedding their old life with ease. Yet I have managed to do neither.

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