Now, it is important to tell you about what was going on at home at this point. By now it was about 8:30 and my Mum was getting worried
Hello! That’s me
Alright Mum they get it
Becky has kindly let me write here to give my side of the story. Because of course she didn’t know what was going on at all…..
Mum don’t cry please
I’m sorry….So it was just gone 8:30 and me and Becky’s dad were absolutely terrified, worried sick we were. We drove all along the route she walked home trying to spot her. I’d heard my mobile ringing but I hadn’t been able to find it. When I eventually did and saw that it was Becky I went to answer but it hung up. I tried calling back but as always her phone was on silent.
We called her best friends to see if she was with them. We even called Zeke
He wasn’t my boyfriend. We were just really good mates
As I was saying we called Zeke to see if she was with him. He was very worried when he found out we didn’t know where Becky was. He always had a soft spot for you Becky!