{Utopia} (Paradigm Shift)
Taps upon chamber doors, proper gentlemen courting proper ladies, underground clubs in dirty basements, foreign gods changed by their pilgrimage to American soil…
Literature is a reflection of life, and life a reflection of literature. We writers are the gods of the new age, creating the worlds that shape the minds that shape OUR world.
The old gods have lost much of their power, yet their influence dwells within us even as the new gods claim their birthright and shift the social paradigm.
And soon the new shall become old, and a newer age shall dawn, penned by the finest minds of the coming age.
It is our responsibility to ensure the future for the writers to come. This is our world now, but our reign is temporary.
With this entry in “The Utopia Theory,” I call upon the writers of today to pave the road for the writers of tomorrow, for soon enough they will take their place in the Pantheon of Literature, hopefully with respect for the rich heritage on which they stand.
Here’s to the future.