
Town Crier's decree...

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye…

Lords, ladies, gentlefolk, and scallywags:

You are all granted the greatest honour of hearing the latest law passed by His Highness, your king. As of this exact day, any person found writing creatively, be they stories, poetry, or songs, shall be declared by all who come in contact with said writing as Magnificent, and all shall be eternally grateful to be given the priviledge of sharing in their creativity.

That said, any and all who are found to be critically lambasting one of those mentioned in the above category, and more particularly if they should be lambasting themselves, shall be drawn and quartered, and hung up by their testicles in the town square for all to see, until no breath shall any longer escape their lips. Should said offender not be in ownership of testicles they shall be dragged around the town square by horses pulling rope tied to their ankles.

From this day forth nobody who has the courage to publicly expose their creativity need fear hostility again!

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