Hmmm… The progression of the plot is good here, but there are some distracting features. You need spaces after all your commas and speech marks, PLEASE for the love of God write the word ‘thousands’ instead of ’1000’s’ and make sure Robin’s question has a question mark… Also the phrasing of that last sentence is a bit confused – I get what you mean but it could do with some clarification… Decent enough, but little things distracted from the actual story, MH :)
Oh God! my English teacher would kill me if she saw this (literally, she’s nuts). I hate proof reading as proved in the above story haha. Thank you for the suggestions unfortunately I was running out of characters and i didn’t want to write another sequel with 2 sentences in it so I won’t be able to fix them! But i promise I won’t let this happen again! And I agree about the last sentence but i had no clue how to write what i wanted to :/ suggestions?
Mostly Harmless
ElshaHawk (LoA)
The Silence [All By Myself] {LoA}
Nymphaea Rose