

As time passes things get easier. Slowly you forget the feelings they inspired in you. The love and the hurt fades and slowly gets pushed into the background.

Though knowing these things never makes it easier when the pain is fresh. You curl up in a ball and cry, or you don’t leave the house for a month. You lose contact with your best friends and don’t eat a proper meal for weeks. Losing someone you treasure hurts like hell and neither words nor actions can change that. Sometimes you can feel so alone, even in a crowded room, just because that one person isn’t there anymore to touch your hand or hold you close.

The loss of someone you love always leaves a hole in you, a space that can’t be filled. Some people are irreplaceable and no amount of time or effort can change that. Some things can’t be stopped or prevented; we cannot plan for every possibility. The best thing to do is move on, let go. It’s harder than it sounds,but apparently possible.

Eventually it will fade.

That’s what they told me anyway.

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