Love Needs No Reminder
Days passed and and our friendship grew stronger. We continued to talk at our normal time, and today I was going to see him. I was still upset with my boyfriend, but even that tension was beiginning to melt away. I finally felt happy, like I could almost do anything.
Just as I got into my car, my phone rang. It was him. “Hey love,” I said. “Hey,” he replied. “Are you busy?,” I asked. “No, not at all.” he asnwered.
With that I backed out of the drive way and headed toward his house. I turned up the volume on my radio and tried to calm my anxious heartbeat. Why was I so excited? Or was it nerves? But then why be nervous? We were just friends after all. Whatever my heart was trying to tell me might have been unclear, but one thing I knew for sure. I had to remind myself that I had a boyfriend and I absolutly could not fall for this guy. I had to remind myself of that….constantly.