
THE FUTURE (Scary Version)

What does the future of planet Earth look like? What will society have evolved into?
Well, if current trends in society are anything to go by, then it’ll be something like this:

Everyone on the planet will have appeared on a TV show at least 18 times in the first ten years of their lifespan (238 times, overall).

The UK will be destroyed by its own occupants. Mainly by drunken buffoons who have been given jobs due to lazy corporate job-marketing.

The US will be more powerful than it has ever been, although eventually China shall take over when all 50 states are destroyed by massive weather damage and a mistaken nuclear holocaust caused by a scenario that it remarkably similar to the film WarGames.

Future generations will have lost the capability of speech, due to evolution, as every next generation stopped using their vocal chords due to frequent, unending use of such social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and, strangely enough, Ficly.

Also, global warming eventually triumphs over mankind…

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