
DANTE'S INFERNO [Modern Version]

A guy named Dante was walking through some woods one day, when he got attacked by some ravenous papparazzi, who did indeed decapitate him with their camera lenses.

For you see,
Dante was a celebrity!

Later that day, a mysterious man in a long, brown coat waltz up to the spirit of Dante, with a cocksure attitude and a near-Scottish accent.

“’Allo!”, said the man. “I’m the Doctor! Who are you?”

“I’m Dante.”

“Dante who?”

“No, you’re Doctor Who, I’m just Dante.”

“What, no surname?”

“Nope, Just Dante.”

The Doctor considered this, shook his head, then turned back to Dante.

“Alright, mate, we’ve got a journey to make. Shouldn’t take long!”

“Where to?”

“You’ll see…”

Moments later, after travelling in the TARDIS and arriving somewhere else, Dante’s spirit looked around him.

“Where are we?”

“Hertfordshire,” said the Doctor.

“What’s this building here?”

“The Celebrity Big Brother house. This where you would’ve ended up if it wasn’t for those paparazzi. This, my transparent friend, is HELL!!!”

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