Hmm… Not as entertaining as the original. This guy might have s quirky line of business, but his evening routine isn’t _quite_as riveting – this either needed more action and humour, in the vein of it’s predecessor, or it needed to take it in a different direction.
This kind of does the latter, but it doesn’t really advance the story much…
Also, that dialogue at the end isn’t particularly impactful any more. True, you’ve raised the mystery over this scar, but you played the ‘profanity card’ in the first installment – it’s not packing the punch here I’m afraid.
I’d consider an edit to try and get it back on track, as the essential premise is original and definitely worth pursuing – this just didn’t really do it for me. MH :)
Much better. I would reccomend revising that very first sentence, it’s a little confused. And perhaps take out the swearing in the ghost’s dialogue, I think it would work better if the ghost’s language contrasted with Hunter’s.
Interesting reveal at the end, and nice ‘Ghostbusters’ joke… A HIGH 3. Will keep an eye out for more! MH :)