
"We're working on it..."

Brooke moved his mouse up to the Inspiration button and clicked.


We’re working on it! Promise!

“For fuck’s sake,” Brooke yelled.

He left Ficly for a while and then came back and tried the Inspiration button again.

His Writing Bone was broken, so Inspiration was needed.

We’re working on it! Promise!

Brooke had the undeniable urge to punch his computer screen several times in a row.

Over the next few hours, Brooke clicked on the same button another 23 times, each time more unsuccessful than the last.

But on the 26th click, something strange happened.

Bright spirals of light swirled around every part of his body, growing brighter and brighter, until a flash of blinding whiteness enveloped him.

He looked around him. He was in a white room. Angelic choirs sung in the background.

Standing in front of him were the Ficly creators.

“Congratulations,” they exclaimed simultaneously.

You’ve passed our test. Now prepare yourself.

“For what?”

For us to reveal THE MEANING OF LIFE!!!

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