
A Promising Breath Against Death

I have seen death many times
From more perspectives than one.
It has crept around without notice,
And with everyone watching, has won.

Death holds much grief,
Death has no plan,
Death releases sorrow -
All from the deck of it’s solitary hand.

Death seldom smiles,
For it knows its deeds are not praised.
Yet the mere mention of Death
Consistently leaves people amazed.

Death has no secrets.
Death holds no grudge.
Death is the balance of life.
Maybe Death just wants love?

I have gazed into Death’s eyes,
And they are filled with momentous ache.
They sing of a troubled past
Of agonizing mistake after mistake.

Death is just like you and me,
Trying to make the best of it all.
Wistfully, Death has no end
And Death cannot fall.

It is not Death we should worry about,
Whom is resentfully doing our chore.
It is Life we need to focus our heed upon,
Whom I don’t recommend you ignore.

To the end of every life,
There comes gloomy Death.
Though, to the beginning of every life,
There comes a promising breath.

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