12 days ago Andy started writing on ficly. There was a fantastic collection of stories and a fantastic group of people. For the most part people seemed to like his work. He caused some laughs and he caused some controversy (Deus Ex Machina).
But after a few days, Andy noticed something about a few of the writers, not everyone, but a few. They all seemed to have unique pen names, but a few had something in common.
The letters LOA after there names.
This intrigued Andy, He googled the term in an effort to understand.
According to wikipedia
The Loa (also Lwa or L’wha) are the spirits of the Voodoo religion practiced in Haiti.
What had Andy gotten himself into?
Surely this couldn’t be correct. The writers of ficly aren’t practicing Voodoo.
Are they?
There is some evidence, have you noticed the rating system?
Does it remind anyone else of a wooden stake?
This troubled Andy for some time, until eventually he discovered the truth.
He knew what LOA stood for
Lovers Of Andy
It was the only thing that made sense.