Abandon Ship
He stared at the view screen, the gargantuan alien ship seemed to stretch on forever, and there was only one thing between it and the Earth.
“All hands abandon ship, this is not a drill.”
Alone on the bridge, so many thoughts ran through his head.
Did he chose the right path in life? All those hundered of seemingly pointless decisions led him to where he is now, made him the man he is today. The man who stayed on the bridge, the only man who could do the job. The man who could save the world, but in doing so will sacrifice his chance to be in it.
There was so much he didn’t get around to. So much he always pushed back thinking he would get to it eventually.
He never started a family, he never told Mary how much he cared for her.
But that was in the past, he couldn’t change it now, this is where his life has taken him. He knew what he had to do, it was up to him.
The escape pods were clear now.
He accessed the pilot station, programmed in the course.
And activated the engines.
He saved the world.