Legend of Gabriél (14)
I couldn’t think of anyone who would want to hurt Mother or Father; they were such good people. I didn’t understand why Dios would let such a horrible thing happen to such faithful believers! That’s when I began to figure it out. The way they were murdered was… disgusting. Almost as if they wanted the bodies of my parents disposed of.
My Mother once told me that abuela witnessed a surreptitious burning of a man who was thought to be possessed by demonios. One minute he is a happy man and the next he is yelling and screaming for no reason whatsoever. They believed Satanás was using the poor man and that if they hurt his body enough los demonios would leave his body forever.
La Iglesia was now where I needed to go. I had to figure out who killed mis padres and pray that someone there had an answer, that somehow I could do something. Little did I know God was already two steps ahead.