
The Pastor's Kid

“Yes I am a Pastor’s Kid,” Jacob said over the roar of the crowd and someone killing Journey in Karaoke.

“No you’re not! Really?” Kelly asked shocked. Jacob always got this reaction. It seems like it’s something you would never believe until it smacked you in the face. Like a live bear at the zoo. It has signs everywhere saying “DO NOT FEED THE BEARS! WARNING BEARS ARE DANGEROUS." Then some idiot decides to attempt to impress a girl. Obviously a ploy to get into her pants the guy stupidly sticks his arm into the cage, and before you know it, you’re calling him One Arm Willy. Now the bear cages are going to be plexi-glass boxes because of one stupid moron. In a nut shell this is what Jacob feels every time he mentions the fact that he is a Pastor’s Kid.

So there Jacob sits taking another sip from his Whiskey and winces as it bites on the way down his throat. “Yes really,” Jacob replies as he waits for the hand to go through the cage.

“No you’re not!” Kelly exclaimed.

Palm meet face.

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