haha. love the middle section. Can’t really give an opinion on this being your best because I haven’t read much of your stuff…i’ll do that in just a moment.
Firstly though: Love your use of capitals and the last line. It has a strange but brilliant humour laced throughout.
Both of my grandmothers were/are pastors, as is one of my uncles. I’ve never received this sort of reaction from people who hear this information, and I’m a fairly vocal atheist.
I think the story was told fairly well, though I think the part about the bear went on just a bit too long. I would say it’s a tortured metaphor, but it’s actually a simile, so that wouldn’t make any sense.
I’d like to suggest a comma after “palm” in the last sentence. A slight pause would do that line wonders, though it’s a great way to end the Ficly as-is.
I like the bear metaphor and reading through it quickly, the repeat of the hand in the cage at the end is great, and normally repetition is bad in ficly, so kudos to you.
Thank you all for the comments! Yeah I have heard this reaction many times when I say it. Hence why I hate the “Son of a Preacher Man” song because that’s another annoying thing that happens is that when I tell people I’m a P.K. they start singing the song! haha