Hunter: Peace
I turned, gaze fixating on the skylight. Moon. Bright, giant moon. My head lifted, my mouth opened, and the song broke free. Moonsong, singing to celebrate the moon. It rose and fell, higher and lower and then it peaked, getting to it’s highest. Then I felt arms slip around my body, and I snarled louder and louder, the howl ringing in my ears. I whined, whimpering and scampering, trying to get away from the hands. I looked over and saw Amy, being held down by the two vampires. Tim kept trying to poke her, and the two vampires kept on glaring at him and telling him to stop.
I whined again, louder, and the two sets of hands holding me allowed me some slack. I sat up— apparently I had fallen on the floor— and sat facing into the jade green eyes of Jason, and the ice blue of Mack. Tim’s warm brown were busy avoiding the gaze of the two vampires’ as he continued poking Amy. Slowly I began to feel the quietness, the peace seep over me. At last I began to fall asleep of my own will— the first time in days.