
Hunter: Ghost

Everything was mist. Just mist, misty misty mist. White mist, gray mist, mist. All around me, I couldn’t see the floor. I couldn’t see five feet in front of me. This made me nervous. I called, “Hello? Is anyone there?” As I took a few steps forward. A slight noise behind me made me turn, and I faced a large… creature. It looked like a dog, but with a longer snout and pointy ears. It’s paws were the size of my head. It stared at me, not moving just staring with golden-yellow eyes. Golden yellow eyes the size of my fist. The rest of the color of the creature was a deep mohogany, with black tinges at its paws and tail, and at the tips of its’ ears and muzzle.

Muzzle? It was- no way. IT WAS A HUGE WOLF! I gasped and scrambled backwards, falling and still scrambling as it stepped forward again and again until it towered over me. And then something truly terrifying happened: It spoke. But not in a normal way. No, I could hear it in my frickin’ head! I screamed, loudly, blocking out whatever it tried to say.

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