
Here's the Deal

…the Laughing Man was the top enforcer for the northern gang. With him gone, they’ll be crippled in their more violent activities."

“You were after him, weren’t you?” Seth startled Deborah.

Deborah processed for a few moments. They were now outside of town, on a dirt road, heading who knows where.

She felt nervous, anxious. This man was a killer and more methodical than almost all of the agents that she had worked with.

“Yes.” She heard herself answering the question.

“Why? What has he been up to up north?” He continued warmly.

Deborah felt her eyes widen and she gulped again. Why was he being so nice? His actions weren’t what she was expecting.

“A double homicide, trafficking in money and firearms. We were hoping to capture him for trial.” She exaggerated. There was much more to it than that, but she wasn’t about to tell a psychotic vigilante about that.

They continued driving in silence up to a top of a hill with a small building. “We’re here.” Seth stopped the car and pulled out the keys.

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