Apostates Revenge
I went to Rodgers with my theory. “But how is the Muslim Brotherhood killing a bunch of people going to cause a fight between us and anyone else?” he said.
“What do we know? Michael stole American uniforms, weapons, CBRN suits, the latest gas masks. If a mass casualty attack occurs and Al-Jizerra broadcasts pictures of uniformed Americans doing atrocities, how do you think that would play in Tehran?”
“They know we don’t have chemical weapons anymore,” Rodgers said.
“They have been blaming us for anything that happens to them since 1956. We’re the Great Satan. Do you honestly think they won’t blame us for this?”
“But what could they do? We don’t buy their oil. Militarily we could…”
“Nukes.” I interrupted.
“They don’t have any. At least not yet,” he said.
“Are you sure? Maybe they have enough enriched uranium for one or two bombs. Put one on a ship, send it to NYC or San Francisco and boom. No missiles to track, no bombers overhead. Or sneak it into Mexico and drive it to San Antonio or Chicago."