
Questions And No Answers

Rodgers nodded his head, and said, “I’ve got to report what we found. My superiors have access to more assets than are available to me. We need help.”

“We don’t have time for this. We need to figure out where Michael sent the VX and stop him. We can’t just…”

“We have to report,” Rodgers interrupted. "They have to know. This isn’t just you and me going out riding in like cavalry chasing after the bad guys. We need help. The kind of help I can’t access without their approval.”

I closed my eyes and took a breath. He was right. I couldn’t just go running after Michael and …

Rashida. Her call brought me here. Michael was expecting me. And what did those two facts mean? Was Rashida working with him? Did he want me to come here? If so, why? What was here that he wanted me to find out? Or did she know of this place, called me and then got caught? Michael implied she was in safe hands. I prayed she was.

The questions multiplied. I needed clarity. I needed a drink.

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