Kiante was young, from the Kamaiura tribe. She wasn’t used to being told to cover up as much as these white people did and English was so hard. “We are probably the last people on Earth.”
“And we are running out of air,” Jean-Luc looked worriedly at the dial.
“Those things out there don’t run on oxygen,” the Doctor looked round. “All they need is something to eat. They’re probably eating the bunker right now.”
“How do you know so much, eh?” Katya was suspicious of this somehow multi-talented man,
“I just do.”
Jeremiah put the baby on a pillow in the corner. “Is there no way to survive?”
“I’m sure there is something that we can do.”
The Doctor paused. “I’m not sure right now.”
A rag fell from the ceiling and onto baby Lily’s face. Nobody noticed.
Ricky cried out, “We can’t just sit here and wait to find out if we die or not!”
A gurgling came from behind Jeremiah, and everyone turned to see the baby contorting, face covered. Everybody froze as Lily stopped moving.
Ten left on Planet Earth.