

“Come on, Jez.”
Jeremiah gave the Doctor a pointed look. “It’s Jeremiah.”
“Don’t give up on them just yet.” The Doctor started to talk to the whole room. “We’re still nine left—”
“Eight,” Ken corrected.
“Ricky’s got a needle in him.”

“Another needle?” Katya said. Katya wasn’t scared anymore; six deaths in fifteen short minutes had hardened her more than a hard stretch in prison.
“Well it can’t be that damned hippy this time,” Bill said under his breath, but every one heard.
“She is dead now,” K’Tea looked dead at Bill. “Leave her spirit in peace.”
“She has ascended to heaven now,” Jeremiah said soothingly.
“Or Hell.” Everyone looked at where the voice came from. Jean-Luc hadn’t said anything for a while.

“I can’t do this anymore,” Kiante said in the Doctor’s ear. “I’m going to sleep. Tell them I’m not waking up.”
The Doctor grabbed her wrist. “You can’t do this.”
“You can’t stop me.”

Kiante crawled into the bunk over Ricky’s body and spoke to her brother again.

Seven left on Planet Earth.

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