
You're Only Lucky in a Bad Situation

Three android cruisers gradually closed in the small ship. The ship was agile and more than capable, but wasn’t bred for combat like the battle-ready cruisers were.

Esterus was pouring over panels and instruments, taking everything in. “We’re so close to the hyperspace threshold, we need to pin it G-hax” said Esterus to his android companion. “We have too much mass to attain the necessary acceleration needed to reach the threshold in time sir” informed G-Hax unwaveringly.

A quick scan of the weapons inventory reminded Esterus of the frag-mine they picked up a week ago for “cheap”. G-hax recommended against it for the very reason that it was very heavy and not well suited for the two man craft. Esterus can never say no to a good deal though, especially the illegal ones.

“Told you this would come in handy G-hax” said Esterus with a grin. He released the mine and it drifted lazily towards a bogey. the bomb went off 500 feet away from the nearest droid, shredding it with debris.

They were scott free now.

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