
Divine Intervention(1 of 3)

A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead. Prepared, he dabbed my kerchief across our brow, doubled it four times, and replaced it carefully in my breast pocket. I entered the cream-tiled bathroom. He wrapped the fingers of our right hand with Charmin-Ultra, turned on the faucet of the sink, and disposed of the toilet paper. I counted meticulously with him as he rinsed our hands for 5 seconds.

one . two . three . four . five .

He grabbed the bar of soap. It felt so smooth. He put the soap down.
He re-adjusted the water temperature. That was better.

one . two . three . four . five . six . seven . eight . nine . ten .

He grabbed the cream bathtowel and dried our hands. He turned the sink off with the towel, and placed the towel neatly back on the rack.

Finally, all the blood was off our hands.

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