Not much happens here. Also, unless the toilet brand name is significant in some way, it’s pointless information. It doesn’t add anything to the scene. You only have 1024 characters to work with, so you should use them wisely. As it stands, there’s nothing in this to draw me into reading a second part.
That’s a vast improvement on what was there before. Spelling is still a minor annoyance, that’s something you can work on.
Now the scene is set in a much clearer way. We see very quickly that there is a duality in the narrator. It reminds me of Dexter and his Dark Passenger from the books (not the TV show).
This would be enough to make me a read second part.
Obviously I didn’t see this pre-edit, but as is I found it quite engaging – even if it did take me a second read to fully get to grips with the whole ‘dual personality thing’…
Interested to see where you’ll take this – because I think it’ll take something special to escape the ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ stereotype – but good work! MH :)