New Toys
General Kemper came to visit us in the hospital. He brought me my jacket that I had left in the helicopter and a little bit of news. It seems that if we hadn’t stopped the attack when we did the military did have a back up plan in place. An F-16 was circling over head with instructions to drop a bomb on any vehicle coming out of that garage.
It was a new kind of bomb that had just been deployed to the theater. It utilized DIME or Dense Inert Metal Explosive. What you do is take a small bomb, say about 250 pounds and mix in powdered dense metal, like tungsten. When it explodes the carbon casing has much less shrapnel and the inert powder in it rips anything in 5 to 8 meters apart. The powder loses energy quickly so there is little collateral damage.
Considering I was inside the ambulance at one point, the lack of collateral damage was not as impressive to me as it might otherwise have been.