
Loop Hole

I’ve found a loop hole in our friendship
I knew that it would happen.

It’s gone, it’s done, it’s out of here!
The ship is sinking, Cap’n.

It’s like I sneezed so loud, so proud
And no one blessed my soul.

It’s like you ripped my spirit out
And left a gaping hole.

Your sarcasm hurts me like a searing knife
cutting through my arm.

It’s a pain I’ve never felt before,
I’ve never meant to harm.

I’m sorry if I’ve pissed you off.
I’m sorry if I cry.

I never meant to make you mad;
I care enough to die.

But if you feel you’re too good for me,
I’m sure I’ll understand.

Just ask me when I’m not knee-deep in
a brutal, painful trance.

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