
Last Chapter

It happened two weeks after beginning to watch Broken Saints

He had weathered 23 chapters of pure, unsanctimonious brilliance and had reached the final chapter.

But before he watched it, he stopped and thought about what he was about to do.

The series so far had blown his mind on several occasions.

It had sent an explosive ripple of philosophical interest coursing through his mind.

It had made his pulse race, his heart pound and his skin tingle with goosebumps, several times over.

It had set an unprecedented path towards a future love of Radiohead.

And now he had reached the end of this journey.

Stupid as it sounded, it had been a journey.

Did he really want it to stop?

Was he willing to never see the four strangers from the quiet corners of the globe ever again?


He was.

If the series had taught him nothing, it was that all journeys must come to an end, eventually.

And with that epiphany, Jack breathed deeply and positioned the pointer on the screen to the PLAY button…

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