First Sight
Her perfect, purposeful eyes gaze at me in a manner both daring and direct, penetrating my very soul. Her beauty captivates me and holds me in a trance from which no mortal man could ever escape. My ship is crashing into the cliffs of the sirens. She is mine as I am hers as she rapidly strips away the defenses of my heart which took laboriously long years for me to build. My safeguards come tumbling down around me, freeing a long stifled passion.
Dumbfounded and incapable of speech or coherent thought, the essence of her soft, tranquil beauty washes over me. My body feels awkward and out of place and yearns for a place forever by her side, which is where it knows it belongs.
My previous loves instantly become funny little footnotes beneath the saga that would unfold around us, enveloping the very core of our beings. For this mystery woman, reminiscent of goddesses past, I would die.
The intelligent, witty glint in her eye beckons me forth, inviting me into her trust.
I’ll never look back.