
#61 Elfen Nightmares

Leilana sat cross-legged on the hardened earth, the fire nearby sparking wildly and letting rip sparks of blue and green. Her brow was furrowed as she concentrated on accessing the magic within her. Her pet veez snuggled amongst the roots of a nearby willow.

“Bragalloch tel’llach!” she hissed, as a ball of fire shot off onto the ice shield around a nearby target. Looking up, the sky had turned a deep blue. She should be home.

Leilana heard a crackle from the trees and immediately pricked her long ears. Another crack and she threw a magic missile into the black, chanting in her mind.

“Kirini?” Leilana shouted as a blackened Kirini stumbled from the bushes. “Sorry…”

“Note, never sneak up on Lei again.”
Leilana sat back in her place, throwing another ball of fire at the target.

“Oh, cool,” said Kirini. “I can do that!”
“No, wait—” Leilana cried, but too late, as the fire reflected off the target’s shield and turned the trees a flickering red. Leilana was paralyzed as the world burned up around her.

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