
Return Fire!

Powerful weapons splashed against the shields of the Amethyst, as Captain Locke hurried to the bridge, leaving the Chancellor looking dumbstruck in his quarters.
“Charge port side weapons, get us moving!” she yelled over the comms, furious at the Chancellors ignorance.
She reached the bridge, and the crew were hurrying to their posts as another salvo smashed their shields.
“Dammit! Bring us around! Divert power to port side, lock all weapons on their engines!” Locke ordered.
“We have a lock! Firing now!” cried the weapons officer, as lasers streaked across the vacuum, spearing the unshielded vessel. Several secondary explosions rippled out from the impact point.
“Excellent. Maybe that will slow them down a little” Locke mused.
It didn’t. Instead, the alien ship fired again, the shots flickering off the shields.
“That last salvo nearly drained our shields! They won’t last another hit like that!”
“Go evasive! Declination five five, starboard three nine!Keep firing! " Locke ordered gritting her teeth.

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