
Attack the Weak Point for Massive Damage

“Tally!” Zimmer’s voice reverberated against the concrete walls of the warehouse. “Corner, right now. And Colton, get off that mat and hit the bag. And use your fists instead of your jaw.”

His words came out with a healthy dose of spittle due to the wooden stick in his lips. Even the non-athletes couldn’t smoke at the gym anymore.

Despite the tongue-lashing, Colton grinned and spit his excess into the nearby bucket. Tally looked down at Zimmer. "Coach, did you hear

“Zip it. This is why I hate women in the gym,” he said with a sneer. “There’s a hundred other fighters just like that him that won’t even talk to you. They’ll just spit on the bones poking out of your leg.”

“But coach-”

“And what do you do at the first sign of trouble? Kick ‘em in the groin. Things start getting a little tough and bam, a shot to the B.B.’s. I catch you making that move again, you’re out of here. You’re not training to kick men in the pills. You’re here for the Redemption.”

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