

You know, it’s quite strange when you think about it. Life. Think about where you are at this precise moment, and just consider how you got there. What events have transpired throughout the entire course of your life to get you to the stage you are right now??

Isn’t it incredible just how many different choices led to this point in your life? Now go back, and think “What if”.

What if your parents had never met?

What if you had never finished school?

What if you made it to that exam on time?

What if you chose to hang out in the library instead of play sports?

What could your life have been like then? How drastically different could your life have turned out if you changed just one decision? Theoretically, each one of these possibilities is being lived out in another reality, but you just never really know do you? So next time you make a choice, just think about the consequences even a seemingly insignificant decision can make.

But don’t ponder this too hard. It hurts you head.

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