“You ready?” Harrison stared down Charles as if everything in their lives had come down to this moment.
“Oh, I’m ready,” Charles replied. “Prepare to meet your maker. Boys?” Harrison called out to the large crowd of men coming out of their hiding places in the grand hall. Ammo ready and aimed.
“This supposed to intimidate me?” Harrison asked.
“I figured 20 to 1 should’ve done the trick.” Charles replied stepping back.
“Make that 25 to 20,” Harrison said as on cue 25 men appeared behind him ready with their ammo.
“Didn’t think you could conjure up a crew that quickly Harrison,” Charles said.
“I could’ve taken you on all by myself Charlie. But I finally realized that teamwork is always a better option.” Harrison looked back at his newly reacquainted friend Bobby. Bobby nodded back and smiled.
“Cut the after school special and let’s get this over with,” Charles said as everyone stared at each other, ready to unleash hell. “FIRE!” Charles cried out.
The greatest pie fight had begun.