I like how from this, we not only get the ‘personality’ of the bed, but that of the person who sleeps in there, the idea that the bed has heard all about their life…
Also, towards the end you make the bed a little possessive which is a really interesting concept – the final two lines are kind of creepy…
What would happen if the bed owner brought a boy/girlfriend home? Would it get jealous?
Interesting stuff!
All I would ask really is for you to lose the explanation of the poem at the beginning – let us work it out for ourselves!
Good work, and, more-or-less, welcome to Ficly – MH :)
I found the poem’s concept to anthropomorphize the bed really intriguing, but it’s execution didn’t really resonate with me. I might have gone with a “grittier” descriptions; for example “I was there for you when you had chicken pox”…“mono”…“your first baby”…“and I will be there when you draw your last breath”
but it’s easy for me to second guess, or even try to tell someone how to write when I’m not the one being creative. So take my comment for what it is: an opinion . Overall, I think the concept and the style are worth a minimum of 4 pencils.