

So that was the gist of the story I wrote. I reviewed it: it seemed fine to me. Check it out for yourself if you don’t believe me: here’s a copy of the manuscript. Pretty good, hunh?

I looked on the internet for publishers that I thought might be inclined to publish it, and finally sent it out to twenty two of them. The last of the responses came back last week, a full nine weeks after I sent the manuscript out.

Here, let me read you one.

Dear Mr. or Ms. C.:

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Tui Culpa Publishing.
Unfortunately, it does not meet our needs at this time.

T. Culpa

Every single one of the responses, twenty two in all, are like that. Every. Single. One. What is wrong with these people? It’s like they expect me to measure up to their standards or something.

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