And here was me, thinking Michael Keaton’s ingenius escape attempt in “Desperate Measures” was one of the cleverest means of escape. Is this guy got blood made of acid, or is he a magician, or what? Still, a very creative and incredibly intriguing story, that seems like the starting point for many a prequel AND sequel! Top notch. =)))
Good continuation potential on both ends. The idea of people removing their own teeth gives me an icky feeling.
Minor nitpicks: (1) I was amused by “he wiggled them one by one”. I know that “them” is the teeth, but in the previous sentence you identify eye, nose, lips, and teeth with no special emphasis on the teeth. Wiggling one’s eye seemed absurd. (2) The verb is “breathe” not “breath”. (3) “Sauntering” seems unlikely for someone about to do what he did next. (4) In “on to the door,” shouldn’t it be “onto the door” instead? (5) The word “clockwise” might be better in front of “circle” rather than after “door”.
Thanks everyone! To those that want to know, it was written as if he had fairy blood and knew some of their Ways. Witch would work, as would magician (or wizard- maybe) if anyone wanted to continue the story in either direction.
@ Jae- I haven’t read that particular book, but I like and respect Zelazny so any association is good for my soul.
@ August Rode- I like your criticisms- they keep me honest. Let me respond in order. 1) I noticed that but ran out of room and hoped the reader would follow. 2) I know that usually. 3) I actually did mean saunter because he is sure that he is getting out, that they can’t hold him. He is cocky. And cockily walks to the door just doesn’t seem right somehow. 4) I didn’t even know onto was a word until you told me. 5) I went back and forth on that one and chose… poorly. I’ll fix the errors that I can fix.