The story on which this is based was really too large in scope for the 1024-character format. I’ll be exploring that story in more detail through a series of vignettes which may expand on individual sentences from that story, or fill in detail where it’s missing. This is the second of these vignettes, and is a sequel to the first.
How did I miss this one? (I almost commented on the third section before I found this.). I love this, espeically Elrond’s imitation of Spock, even to the raised eyebrow and trademark fragment. I wonder if Gandalf would feel any twinges about letting someone else in his mind? Probably not, but maybe a passing concern? It can’t be comfortable to think of someone traipsing about in your head, no matter how powerful you are. LOL Just a though. Really well done! I enjoyed it alot.
How did I miss this one? (I almost commented on the third section before I found this.). I love this, espeically Elrond’s imitation of Spock, even to the raised eyebrow and trademark fragment. I wonder if Gandalf would feel any twinges about letting someone else in his mind? Probably not, but maybe a passing concern? It can’t be comfortable to think of someone traipsing about in your head, no matter how powerful you are. LOL Just a though. Really well done! I enjoyed it alot.
Seems backwards, since the successfully destroy the ring and that whiner Frodo in the first one. Still, very nicely written despite the somewhat silly concept.The language is clean, clear, and not over-wrought, like the work of some certain blogging peoples what shall remain nameless.
THX, this is an expansion of detail that was glossed over in the original story “The Ring Goes Southeast” and not a sequel to it. I’m treating the original as an outline. And, yes, the concept is silly but, then again, most speculative fiction is. I fear that this might turn out to be a lengthy series, so I’ll make sure that I keep writing other material as well.
August Rode
THX 0477
August Rode