I like this, especially the first and last stanzas, but I’m not sure I get the middle portion. There’s no pattern to the number of lines and rhymes, and a loose rhythm results.
Pattern of the first part of the middle ended up being something like ABB, CAA… The continuation would’ve been DBB, ECC…etc. I guess it was too short to convey the pattern.
The second half of the middle, first two lines didn’t rhyme, but had the up/down idea, the neat two lines rhymed. Just an odd little poem I decided to enter.
I’d echo Jae that the first and last stanzas are very strong. My first reaction to the second stanza was that it was just a little off, but I think the slight miss fits with the theme of the poem – if there were maybe one or two more small disconnects in there, I think that would work just as well as having everything in perfect form.